Biden Claims He’s Able to Reduce Inflation

Under Biden’s leadership, inflation has gotten worse. This makes everyday Americans suffer as the cost of living increases. While the government tells us that the economy is improving… we know the reality is very different. Things are only getting worse, and it’s time for a change.

His policies have increased prices, making it difficult for us to make ends meet. We need a leader who will get our economy back on track, and that’s not Biden.

Biden Thinks He’s Solving Inflation

Biden claimed that prices for goods are approaching pre-pandemic levels in the US. However, data shows that they are still far from such levels.

The demo-rat said, “Gas prices are continuing to go down. We’re making serious progress on getting prices close to what they were before the pandemic. The most common price right now in America is three dollars and thirty-nine cents a gallon.”

According to AAA, the national gas price average at $3.76 per gallon. However, gas prices in February 2020 were at $2.51 per gallon. 

The cost of groceries and common apparel remains far higher than pre-pandemic levels. Eggs also went up 30.5% in the past year and coffee went up by 15.7%.

It won’t surprise us anymore when we’ll have to pay more in taxes starting next year…

Moreover, Republicans attacked Biden’s recent Capitol Hill speech… for ignoring relevant issues like inflation and crime. Biden’s remarks highlighted that “equality and democracy are under assault.”

Rep. Elise Stefanik said that Biden is “woefully out-of-touch with the American people.” 

She said, “He [Joe Biden] is woefully out-of-touch with the American people who care about what is happening in their communities… as they suffer from an inflation crisis, an energy crisis, crime crisis, and border crisis.”

Biden’s speech was basically “an effort to distract from harmful issues” the dems are facing.

White House Claims Biden Has Done the Work to Fix Inflation

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre argued that Biden has “done the work” to halt inflation… despite the statistics continuing to sit at a 40-year high for months.

Jean-Pierre made the comments during a press briefing at the White House. She was desperately defending Biden’s economic record… amid scrutiny from a Fox News reporter. 

She said, “The president understands … that, um, inflation is an issue, high costs is an issue for the American people, and so he’s been very clear about making that his number one economic priority. And he has done the work.”

Moreover, Biden continues to blame the Republicans for the inflation he caused…

Biden even said that inflation would get worse… if Republicans won control of Congress in the midterm elections. He argued that liberals are standing up for working people.

Republicans have blamed Biden’s leadership on the nation’s inflation woes. He has also made the economy and rising prices a central part of their midterm campaign pitch.

Biden has no idea what things cost because he has never had to pay for anything. The taxpayer always gets to pay for his funds.

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One Thought to “Biden Claims He’s Able to Reduce Inflation”

  1. […] repercussion of Joe Biden’s policies is the unavoidable spike in inflation. To no one’s surprise, it’s ruining the upcoming holiday […]

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